How Do Kpop Idols Lose So Much Weight

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How Do Kpop Idols Lose So Much Weight. If you are not skinny enough then you have no right to become an idol no matter how talented you are is an idea that has deep roots in Korean idol industry. It is definitely the first choice for weight loss and fat loss.

How Discovering K Pop Helped Me Lose 8kg Stop Getting Bullied In Secondary School
How Discovering K Pop Helped Me Lose 8kg Stop Getting Bullied In Secondary School from

For example i am 161cm so 161-10061 then you times it by 9 for the general idol maximum weight which gives me 61x9 549kg Now the group Momoiro clover are crazy famous idols. So one day I stuffed my mouth with chicken and spat it out right away. While these Korean celebrities were beautiful and good looking before their weight loss we cant deny that they look pretty good in the after pictures as well.

But if looking cute is your job youve got to go the extreme.

She followed a diet meal plan called the Time Limit diet making sure she didnt eat anything after 6pm. This also isnt for a long time because after the comeback is over many idols gain their weight back. The biggest contributing factor to my weight loss was the way K-pop got me to actually start exercising. I was so gluttonous in the old days.